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Address: 3330 Cumberland Boulevard
Suite 650
Atlanta, GA 30339

How much does a website cost?

Determining the factors that impact the cost of implementing a professionally designed, custom medical website is similar to building a custom home, or buying a car with varying option packages.  We have outlined the factors that we believe to be universal in assessing the true costs of a website.  Below are the main areas to consider when pricing your website.

Content Pages

Website Content is one of the elements that determines website cost.

The first element that determines website cost is content.  How many pages do you need in your website?  What types of information do you plan to include? Pages that are composed of simple paragraphs take less time to implement, while pages that contain many graphics, visual aids, videos, and linked lists take more time to implement.

Website Features

Website Features is one of the elements that determines website cost.

Website features such as video, database-driven news/testimonials scrollers, content management systems, secure online forms, and multi-level navigation affect the overall cost of a website.  These types of add-ons increase the attractiveness, functionality, and interactivity of your website, making them well worth the investment.

Custom Responsive Website Design

Website design is one of the determing factors of website cost.

When you build a custom house, the more complex the blueprint, the more expensive the house.  Similarly, the more complex and unique a website design, the more time and cost required to implement it.  Design elements such as professional photography and vector illustrations influence the complexity of a website design.  If you choose very high-end elements, the website cost may increase, just like if you choose granite countertops over laminate countertops, the cost of your kitchen will increase.  Choosing to invest in a premium custom website design versus a "boiler-plate template" has enormous benefits.  Custom web design gives you full control to uniquely brand your professional image, and give you a distinct edge over your competitors. 

Marketing Your Website

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) influences the cost of a website.

Would you buy a brand new Lexus and never drive it?  Of course not.  Investing in a new website but never marketing it is like buying that shiny luxury vehicle and never driving it anywhere.  In order to maximize the effectiveness of your new website, you need to drive it around - market it!  Medical Management Associates can help you market your website by optimizing it for search engines.  But, there's so much more you can do to drive traffic to your website, and ultimately, convert website visitors into new patients. That's where SEM (Search Engine Marketing) comes into play.  SEM is more effective and less expensive than traditional marketing.


Level of expertise plays a key role in determining website design cost.

The level of a company's expertise helps determine the cost of a website. If a company has only a few years of experience in building websites, the cost of a website will sometimes be less than a company who has been in the business of building websites for many years.  Medical Management Associates has been designing websites for medical practices for nearly 20 years. We also have a highly experienced team of healthcare consultants on staff.  These consultants are intimately familiar with every aspect of running a medical practice. Their knowledge, combined with our Medical Marketing Division's experience, sets Medical Management Associates apart as a leader in the medical practice website design, managing, and marketing.

Contact MMA at 770.951.8427 to get a quote for your new website.

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